Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Boating is not all sunshine and bikinis

The bilge pump stopped working properly so it required a change out. The old pump had 3 mounting points, the new one has 4. Rather than take panel down to remove the old studs, I suggested fabricating a mounting adapter plate. After pondering what material were available we found a bamboo cutting board that fit the bill perfectly. 4 hours later the new pump was finally mounted and tested. The only thing left is to double clamp the hoses. Richard and John are off on a mission to fine the right ones.

Monday, December 5, 2022

The Sun Rises

As consciousness comes into early morning focus, one becomes aware of a coolness in the air as the Moroccan city landscape emerges from the light of the new day. The clouds seem different than in New England. Clouds seem to pick up a bit of color from the teal green Mediterranean waters. There's a sharper contrast between the grays and the deeper though non-threatening darker sometimes nearly black shades in the sky. 

Bella Vita at the dock in Tangier 

John and I took an hour long walk on the massive beach just east of Tanja Marina where we are docked. 

Beach in Tangier 

Now back for some boat maintenance projects. Soon we will go back out for more exploration. The culture shock continues to amaze. 

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Saturday, December 3, 2022

Made it to Africa!

In Tangier. Crossing the shipping lanes was like playing Frogger. At one point there were 13 ships coming at us on ais. Talked to one and scooted behind their stern. A marvelous broad reach with Big seas confused by a 2-3 knot foul current.At one point the spinnaker started to unfurl. Before going out on deck we talked and made a careful plan. Three of us donned life jackets, clipped in and in 15-18 knots of wind went forward and wrestled it down. I was on the halyard safely at the mast, Francesca and John went to the bow, Richard drove the boat. Success without incident. Sail packed away in the sail locker.

Upon arrival, the dock staff were extremely courteous and helpful. Custom agents all business but polite. About 3 hours to clear customs. Finally docked. 8:45 pm. Sounds of prayers coming from the city, we knew we were in Morocco. Heading to dinner soon.


Arrived at sunset and anchored in the harbor. Comfortable overnight. Fueled at dock and cleared the harbor at 1100. Course set for Tangier.

Friday, December 2, 2022

We’re underway

We departed Malagasy 0830 and are making our way along the coast of Spain with our destination tonight being Gibraltar. We were able to sail for a while but the wind dropped off so we are now motoring. 

John driving

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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Today we moved onto Bella Vita

December 1. We arrived at sv Bella Vita around 1300 and took a short tour. Storage of gear occupied the next bit of time. With that sorted, John and I did a walk around on deck to follow the various lines and decipher what each line did and where it went. 

After a while we wandered down the quay to a Mexican restaurant and enjoyed a pleasant conversation as we got to know Richard. 

I sat at the helm and slowly deciphered the various knobs and buttons. The boat has fully automatic push button sail controls at the helm. 

All control lines are led into the enclosed cockpit which is a big safety feature especially when offshore. 

The plan is to depart Malaga at 0800 tomorrow morning to make the 60+/- NM passage to Gibraltar. Looking forward to seeing what this baby can do. 

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Monday, November 28, 2022

Almost missed our flight

In Barcelona. Crazy connection. Plane leaving Amsterdam was way late due to weather and then slow in the unboarding process since we were in "the back of the bus". Then we had to leave the security area to pick up our baggage to transfer to another airline. Then we had to go back through security. Since I was walking with a cane they put us in a special line. Time for our next plane was rapidly winding down. We were still 1/2 mile and with a flight of stairs up to the security gate and then back down to the gate level. Our plane was about to leave. We didn't have a moment to spare and no time to check our bags. It feels like I walked 3 miles in this airport so far. John ran ahead and got to the gate. When I got there, worried that we missed it, John was smiling and informed me that the plane which was closed based on ticket time was late getting in here. So now we have an extra hour and now we're sitting around sweating from so much exercise, but we're gonna make it to Malaga.

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Sunday, November 27, 2022

Approaching Ireland

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On the plane

On the move

> Over 8 hours into the trip. My traveling partner John Tarling and I have made it all the way through the bus ride, checked in, gotten through TSA security and now sit and waiting for another 1.5 hrs to start boarding the Delta flight. First leg - Amsterdam. Then switch planes to Barcelona. After arriving in Barcelona we change airlines to traverse the final leg to Malaga, Spain.
> Kathy made us delicious Thanksgiving sandwiches for our lunch. Dinner on the plane.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Travel travails

Bus and airline tickets are ready. We would have to pick the busiest travel day of the year to start our journey. Leaving plenty of time. TSA Pre-Check all set.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Planned Route

Getting on the boat (Amel 50) in Malaga, Spain on December 1.
Planned stops include Gibraltar, Tangier, Morocco then offshore to Gran Canaria.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Two Weeks to Go!! Getting Ready for Delivery - Med to Gran Canaria

Boat is a 2018 Amel 50 

Packing for a trip that could include warm, moderate and cool temps. Gear needs to be ready a variety of weather from sub-topical sun to rain with stops for cultural exploration then 5-7 days of cool/moderate temperatures when sailing off-shore. 

List includes:

  1. Merino wool base layer top and bottom
  2. Tee Shirts (10)
  3. Underwear (10)
  4. Socks - light (2), lowcut (6), medium (3)
  5. Foul weather jacket - offshore
  6. Foul weather bibs
  7. Hats - rain, sun, ballcap, winter (1 ea)
  8. Gloves
  9. Hand/foot warmers
  10. Shoes (2 pair)
  11. Pants - zip off  (2 pair)
  12. Dress shirts (3 long sleeve, 3 short sleeve)
  13. Polo shirts (2)
  14. Guitar accessories (picks, capo, strings)
  15. Phone
  16. Wallet
  17. Passport
  18. Fleece sweater
  19. Merino wool sweater
  20. Covid Test Kit
  21. Meds
  22. Toiletries bag
  23. 110/220 voltage converter/adaptor
  24. Phone/device charging gear
  25. Bathing suit
  26. Dark glasses
  27. Eyeglass keepers
  28. Drawing book/pencils
  29. Songwriting book/pen
Travel Tickets are all secured. 
Outbound Nov 27 - 28, 2022
Concord Trailways - Portland to Logan International
KLM - Boston to Amsterdam to Barcelona Spain 
Vueling Air - Barcelona to Malaga Spain

Dec 21 Vueling Air - Gran Canaria to Barcelona
Dec 22  AirFrance - Barcelona to Paris to Boston
Concord Trailways - Logan International to Portland

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Photos from Summer 2022 Sailing Adventures

Launch Day May 19, 2022

Perry Creek Early Season Evening 

Early Season Cool Temps

Alone in Perry Creek

Long Cove

Lafe, Kathy and Michelle day cruise

Zach, Nolan and Michelle Breakfast Time

Pulpit Harbor Sunset

Oriane in Seal Bay

Holbrook Island 

4th of July Castine

Little Cranberry Island

Little Cranberry Island

Perry Creek Sunrise

Valley Cove Somes Sound

Paddleboarding at Man O'War Brook Somes Sound

Somes Sound

Northeast Harbor

Thuya Garden - NE Harbor

Curtiss Memorial Thuya Garden - NE Harbor

Bass Harbor Bar

Pacific Seacraft GAM Beach Visit

Invitational Croquet Game Criehaven 

Criehaven Harbor

Criehaven Harbor Sunset

Criehaven Harbor Lobster

Criehaven Harbor

Criehaven Harbor

Criehaven Library

Diver Replacing Lost Zinc

Grand Nephew Kaeden & Brother Bob

Grand Nephew Kaeden

Grand Nephew Kaeden