Saturday, July 24, 2021

"You'll miss sunrise if you close your eyes"

 It’s the kind of Maine morning that’s worth getting up early to experience. A brilliant sunrise lightens the eastern sky until the horizon to horizon dome above turns to a rich light blue. We find ourselves anchored in still waters off Hay Island in Seal Bay. A gathering of boats with friends new and old surround s/v Oriane.

Every man made thing is quiet. Undisturbed, nature has reclaimed the area for the moment.

Gulls squawk and maneuver for advantage, sea crows shout alarm as yet another eagle overflies the shoreline. Pogies boil the water’s surface chased by uncounted hunting seals. Osprey proudly displaying their catch after loudly plunging feet first into the water.

It’s the kind of Maine morning that’s worth getting up early to experience. It’s got the promise of yet another day of wonder and discovery. 

Sunday, July 18, 2021

It Doesn’t Matter

s/v Oriane has traveled the waters from mid-May until this moment. We have traveled from multi-layered clothing to tee shirts and shorts back to long pants and sweatshirts. We have seen many wondrous things along the coast of Maine this season from Portland to Mt. Desert that can only be seen from a boat.

Today it’s raining; it doesn’t matter.

We find ourselves in snug Perry Creek after Friday’s sporty and speedy broad reach sail across the bay. Saturday was calm. A day that warned of forecasted rain that didn’t materialize. A day of exploring the anchorage with dinghy and paddleboard. A day of wandering Vinalhaven Landtrust’s A.W. Smith Preserve trails to vistas previously unexplored. A day of visiting old friends and new; a day of performing minor boat chores.

Today it’s raining; it doesn’t matter.

Yesterday saw simple gourmet food passed out of the galley and arranged on the cockpit table then savored with pleasure and view as if in the most sought after coastal restaurant. Book pages were turned, music was played and a movie watched.

For me today is two-score and nine on s/v Oriane.

Today it’s raining and it doesn’t matter.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

sv Oriane has over 700 nm under her keel so far this summer.  Today we find ourselves hunkered down in Northeast Harbor on Mt. Desert awaiting the effects of TS Elsa. I can't think of a better place to be in this kind of weather.

Yesterday was a day to remember. Here are my thoughts about a Somes Sound day.

"Today was one of those perfect mornings on the coast of Maine. A loon's gentle, haunting wakeup cry alerts us to the new day. A single lobster boat’s distant wake creates a soothing rocking as the fisherman presses slowly around the orchard of multicolored buoys. The air and the cockpit are dry and comfortable as the sun rises over Mt Norumbaga on Somes Sound’s eastern shore.
Man o’War Brook astern gurgles a soothing cascade as fresh water seeks sea level over the last rocky precipice.
It’s a coffee then fresh blueberry pancakes enjoyed in the cockpit kind of day. A sail up to Somes Harbor (photo) and back on a easy breeze. The perfect coast o’Maine morning."

In Somesville for a morning stroll.

Shrimp and fresh Lobster pasta dinner